Arena for Contemporary African, African-American and Caribbean Art






Lives and works at Berlin
Born 01-02-1988

Stone Orgasm.





Past Exhibitions FACTICIUS Exhibition –Royalty-The Hague Museum Night 2014 The Hague Parliament FACTICIUS Exhibition-New Steps Haagse Kunstkring In bed with hair Exhibition-Verso Cultural Center Mezrab FACTICIUS Exhibition-Fearless Renewal Afrovibes exhibition MC Amsterdam Underneath the layer Exhibition-Through the Eyes of Africa Berlin African Movie Festival 2013/The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy


If you unfold my work you will note my sexual expressionism, African culture and abstract way of combining sex with religion. My work grows into individual stories, all this is portrayed in movies, paintings, poems and sculptures. I vow to present the world a magnificent, multi cultural, art expressionism. By exploring different materials, stories and my own body I know that by expressing myself with art I will manage to die empty, without taking any artistic values with me. Let art speak for me as I can’t find words to express myself.

Project: Facticius


FACTICIUS is a fetishized self-portrait. The animistic sculptures also function as a form of worship for their creator. The two sculptures embody her personality as both man and woman. KEYEZUA’s roots in Dutch and Angolan culture, play an important role in her choices for FACTICIUS. KEYEZUA mixes Dutch and African fabrics, creating a fusion of contemporary and traditional motifs, questioning heritage. Although fetish sculptures are typically symbolic, KEYEZUA breaks this barrier by making FACTICIUS aesthetically strong enough to demand existence outside of their original context.


Project: Stone Orgasms


“With more than 125 million girls and women worldwide damned to live with the physical and emotional scars for the rest of their lives, I wanted to create a response through the eyes of an artist.”
