Till December 30 work of Vasco can be seen in IICD Gallery, Abuja Nigeria
Campaign Image, 2015.
A Black Man’s Cry, 2015.
Vasco Manhiça was born in 1978 in the Nampula province of northern Mozambique and grew up in the capital Maputo where he made, from 1993 to 1997, a training as Graphic designer in the National School of Visual Arts. In the list of his exhibitions, workshops and awards there are remarkable places and informations, such as the frequent presence of his works at the National Museum of Art in Maputo or participation in major Bienniales in Mozambique and Portugal. In 1999 he won the first prize at the Bienniale TDM (Biennale of the telecommunications company Tele- communicações de Moçambique). His works reflect his cultural origins; they are striking both through the particular manner of his rich symbolic imagery, as well as his graphic elements and the use of natural colours in the colour structure. His art succeeds in building bridges spanning African and European cultural experiences, appearing both fasci- nating and engaging at the same time and triggering great enthusiasm in many of the people viewing his pictures. Softness and joy of communication in the real world are virtues that can be read in his paintings. The first reason for the creation of his works can be found but in the spiritual life view of Vasco Manhiça.