Simphiwe Ndzube
Born Johannesburg 1990, lives and works in Cape Town, participates in ‘The Opening’, from February 19 on in the Greatmore Studios, Woodstock, Western Cape, curated by Justin Davy.
Anonymous Sitter, 2014.
Some of the themes I have explored in my work include violence, black subjugation, disability, migrations, exploitation, beauty, consumption and history. Some of these concepts have also filtered through the materials I’m drawn to such as bandages, sjambok, found waste bins, duct tape, latex gloves, synthetic afro hair, found clothes and so forth.
Untitled (Figure with nails), 2015.
Raft, 2015.
Sarah and some gentlemen, 2014.
The body of work was mostly inspired by the personal and collective struggles faced by township residents, especially Masiphumelele where I grew up. It was important to me that my work was relevant and accessible to the people from communities like my own. (quotes from interview written by Jessica Hunkin on January 28, 2016 in Between 10 and 5.)