Arena for Contemporary African, African-American and Caribbean Art

Andrea Cauthen


Roots + Culture: Jamaica presents Art & Photography by Andrea Cauthen

In accordance with National Caribbean American Heritage Month, New York-based artist Andrea Cauthen is pleased to present ‘Roots + Culture: Jamaica,’ an art and photography exhibition to be held at The Embassy of  Jamaica in Washington D.C. The exhibit opens with an artist reception on Thursday, June 12, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. ‘Roots + Culture: Jamaica’ will run through June 20. This is the artist’s first solo exhibition.




“Several years ago I took it upon myself to return “home”, says artist and photographer Andrea Cauthen. Although I was born in America, my mother who is Jamaican, always instilled in me a sense of pride and identity associated with the island. Scheduling trips was always difficult due to my hectic schedule in the fashion industry. However every trip was worth it, whether I had the opportunity to stay for 3 days or 3 weeks. With reggae music having such an incredible reach globally, no one can doubt that we can hear Jamaica. However, when do we see it? This exhibition represents the culmination of my numerous trips to the island. I wanted to capture the many scenes and traditions that are rapidly disappearing. These are the true roots of Jamaica.

AndreaCauthen-IDENTITY-identitylargeExample of her work. (Not in this show)

‘Roots + Culture: Jamaica’ keenly observes Jamaican life and  culture through an array of illustrations and photographs that depict the beauty, history and spirit of resilience across the island. Andrea who has traveled through all of the 14 parishes of Jamaica, offers the viewer enticing images; a mix of still life, landscapes and portraiture in both color and black and white. It’s a quintessential map evoking a sense of nostalgia and belonging.

AndreaCauthen3Example of her work. (Not in this show)

Andrea currently works with Irish Pen Early Childhood Institution in St.Catherine, Jamaica and will be donating 25% of all art sales to the school. Photographs from Irish Pen Early Childhood Institution will also be on display.

(From ARC Magazine, May 2014)
