Jorge Wellesley (1979, Havana) is participating in group show ‘Mobility and its Discontents’ in the 8th Floor Gallery, 17 West 17th St. New York City, from March 5th on.
TRUTH 0060, Tribute to Emptiness, 2013.
TRUTH 0060, Tribute to Emptiness, 2013.
‘My work has continued research on Truth and Reality allegedly expressed through Language. Interests me highlight a crisis of origin in the language, communication and therefore in social relations.
In Grammatology by Jacques Derrida is a phrase that summarizes my perception of what they have in common these three concepts, Truth, Reality and Language: “There is no transcendental meaning…”
Language written and verbal is the best communication structure, but as a convention, for me it becomes abstract when it ceases to function as a carrier of meaning. An example is that the Language is arbitrary because it doesn’t capture the essence of the object and is subject to change. In the language is born the concept of Truth, but Truth does not even have a common meaning in all times and for all its users.
The written Language, the text, is an image that does not correspond with what means and is just an abstract figure. This is a starting point for my work. Some of my work flow between the abstract tradition and functionality of design sometimes leading to empty as content or construction of new metaphors through dependent relationship, text-image.
TRUTH 0057, Essay about Discourse, 2013.
The text is a resource that sometimes I employ as image and in other cases as a carrier of meanings that an image cannot express. The text is the morphology that I used to show how language enters into various states of crisis of meaning.
TRUTH 0062, Dyslexia, 2013.
TRUTH is a keyword that I started using in my work since 2002. Truth is before the title of each of my works as if it were possible to count the truths of the artist. The English word more emphasized the irony of that the Truth is one and universal.
TRUTH 0058, Left over Art, 2013.
I’m interested in many media and formats. Without establishing a hierarchical order, painting, drawing, installation and video art are tools in my recurring symbolic production.
My work has two perspectives: a philosophical about Truth and Reality and other semiotics, about language and art itself.
In philosophy, semiotics and art, the most important thing for me has always been the meaning and nonsense as essential. So I have served as the nihilism of Wittgenstein, the actions of John Cage about empty and tautological texts in neon by Bruce Nauman.’ (website artist)