Amadou Sanogo, present at 1: 54 Contemporary African Art Fair, May 15-May 17, Brooklyn, New York.
A la recherche de la paix, 2015.
Amadou Sanogo – born in 1977 in Ségou, Mali. Lives and works in Bamako, Mali – received his first pictorial impressions around the large market of his hometown. His Segovian art teacher encouraged him to undertake his studies at the Institut National des Arts in Bamako, one of the most reputed schools of fine arts in West Africa. Renowned for its famed student Abdoulaye Konaté, Sanogo refined his own studies there in the early 2000s.
La bonne dame, 2011.
Refusing academicism, however, Sanogo is rather an autodidact. Indeed, his first paintings were on sheets and canvas in different sizes found at the fabric market. Having invented his own pictorial codes, his works are invested with an unfeigned passion, exploring not only the history of his country, its epics or recent events, but also his own life experiences. He leads his own artistic guerrilla war – notably, with humour – in order to confront political stagnation, stupidity, greed and, last but not least, banality.