Circle Art Gallery Nairobi opens with Concerning the Internal, 26 March – 19 April 2015
Ephrem Solomon, Forbidden Fruit.
About openings show:
Dawit Abebe, Maral Bolouri , Delphine Buysse, Rehema Chachage, Eltayeb Dawelbait, Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga, Diana Kamara, Wambui Kamiru, Zihan Kassam, Jackie Karuti III, Wanja Kimani Miriam Syowia Kyambi, Ato Malinda, Sibylla Martin, Kerttu Maukonen, Paul Onditi, Souad Abdel Rasoul, Ephrem Solomon, Xavier Verhoest, Beatrice Wanjiku.
Kerttu Maukonen, Not so tragic.
Maral Bolouri, The Respectful Woman.
Zihan Kassam, City Obscura.
Paul Onditi, Unseen Bridge.
The first exhibition at Circle Art Gallery gives space to a group of 20 artists chosen for their diverse interrogation of profoundly individual, internal concerns. Concerning the Internal features video, installation, painting and drawing that communicate each artist’s innermost thoughts, experiences or desires.
Xavier Verhoest, Caput Mortuum.
Broader narratives about shared human experiences are counter-balanced by intimate, personal stories. What brings the work together is its ability to draw the viewer into a reflective space, and allow insights into the artists’ most personal concerns.
Circle Art Agency
910 James Gichuru Road
Danda Jaroljmek +254 722 672 938
Rose Jepkorir +254 725 533 507
Ato Malinda, Untitled.
Wambui Kamiru, I am moving out tomorrow (installation).