Arena for Contemporary African, African-American and Caribbean Art

Cullen Washington Jr.




Cullen Washington Jr., born 1972 Alexandria, Louisiana, USA. Lives and works in New York.

Space Notation #2, 2014.









Space Notation #3, 2014.

Washington’s work is about abstraction, not about abstracting objects, but rather about how he experiences the world and about his dialogue with the work in progress. Thinking of abstraction as the taking away of material things or the theft of reality, the artist works towards the extraction of representation or ‘things’. Titled ‘No-things’ or ‘nothing’, the new series functions as a place of unlimited interpretation.

CW No-Thing #2 2013

No-Thing #2, 2013.


No-Thing #1, 2013.

In both the Untitled series and the No-things series, he tries to capture a snapshot of things before they are formed, still in an embryonic state of meaning. Forming multiple fluid relationships, Washington is interested by the possibilities in this place of ‘in-between’ness. The works take on new directions, meanings and interpretations, and allow for a more open conversation to take place between the work and the viewer. (text and courtesy: Jack Bell Gallery London)


Untitled #4, 2013.