Arena for Contemporary African, African-American and Caribbean Art

Kirubel Melke




I believe that my art works are also a signature of my generation and speakers of my time.

(all the works are made in 2013-2014)
Quotes of the artist:
“My works concept deals with mostly time, knowledge and money, which all have equal value in our life. But you couldn’t get them simultaneously due to many factors including your fiat. When you have time, knowledge might not be with you, when you have knowledge, money might not be there, when you had money, time wouldn’t be there. All this things happened not because of you are lazy rather those are on the hands of others who holds and sits on it. The scars on our body are a reminder of what has happened in our past.
I believe that my art works are also a signature of my generation and speakers of my time. Which would remembered our time in the future.”


“Kirubel Melke was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in April 12,1983.And in 2007 he graduated from national collage in the field of marketing. In 2013 he graduated with BFA from Addis Ababa university, Alle school of fine arts and design in the department of painting. His mother worked several years in a garment factory and this situation created a means to experience different kinds of textile. When he was at 3rd year student at AAU, Alle school of fine arts and design in 2012 he used the cloths that hung on the string as a conceptual drawing.


Currently, Kirubel is engaged on cloths. Cloths are as a face that tells you something about your personal and social status. He uses them to express his personal, social, and political feelings. By using cloths he truly has find the most joyous way of using color, texture and design together.
His works of art are contemporary in style and often abstract in design, emphasizing color, contrast and they value relationships.


He has had several group shows including IOM International Organization Addis Ababa, National Museum Addis Ababa, National Theater Addis Ababa, Konso Cultural Center, Konso, Laphto Art Gallery Addis Ababa and Addis Ababa University Alle school of fine arts and design. He participated in several different workshops.”





KMExtra11Untitled, 2013.