Lavender Wolf (1979, American born, living in Berlin)
The man in the mirror, 2016.
“I am using these magazine cut-outs, figures that have Black faces that I found in magazines or on blogs, and calling them “Transformers”. I am also using car and motorcycle parts to put these characters together in a traditional collage configuration. I initially wanted to make lots of other superheroes but then I became really interested in the idea of the transformers. To me, they are a nod to my childhood, to figures like Optimus Prime. But they also explore a certain fear or prediction that I have of the future. Resources will become scarce, so, how will we use these objects? Will sports cars have a different value? Will they be repurposed for different things?
Are you sure he is not my dad, 2016.
Child Soldiers, 2012.
Just the Two, 2012.
Untitled III, 2013.
These transformers, for me, exist in a future where spirit energies and deities that are common in different African cultures take on life and bodies. They take over machines and they form their own societies, their own bodies, genders and sexualities.”(from website Contemporary End, July 2016)