Marcus Jansen
Phase, 2015.
Marcus Jansen, b. 1968, New York, New York is a cartographer of conflict. He has been called a pioneer in redefining urban landscape painting for the last two decades. A former soldier and world traveler since the age of one year old, Jansen was first influenced by an emerging and rebellious Graffiti art movement from New York City on a trip back from Germany in 1986. His first International book was published by the leading book publisher SKIRA Editore, Milan Italy and is titled, “Marcus Jansen – DECADE” where he joins international titles like Jean Michel Basquiat, Francis Bacon and others. The DECADE monograph is being formally introduced by former director of the Kunstmuseum Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dieter Rontein 2016 and has foreword by notorious London Art Dealer Steve Lazarides, also known as Banksy’s first agent.
Organic Illusions, 2015.
Cyber Surveillance on Wasteland, 2014.
Resistance and War Games, 2015.
Discovered and mentored by former Museum Director and historian Jerome A. Donson, (Director of the American Vanguard Exhibitions Europe 1961), who was responsible for preparing exhibitions for artists like Jackson Pollock, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Willem de Kooning and Franz Kline. Donson referred to Jansen’s work as being “reminiscent of the Ash-Can School and referred to him as “the innovator of Modern Expressionism”, in Jansen’s French published catalog in 2005.(text website artist)