Massinissa Selmani, Série A-t-on besoin des ombres pour se souvenir? (2013 – 2015)
Born in 1980 in Algiers, Algeria. Lives and works in Tours, France
Massinissa Selmani’s body of work harmoniously explores the drawing as a medium in order to create and depict different kinds of moving images. To achieve this, the artist resources his methods to superimposing images, drawing on top of overlays and assimilating techniques belonging to photography and film; whilst playing with transparency and the appearance and disappearance of imagery. Through these minimalistic assemblages, Selmani creates familiar yet juxtaposed social and political scenarios unlikely to happen in reality, and balances these depictions within the realms of the comical and the tragic. In a sense, he reflects and stages the daily absurdity that we experience throughout our lives.
Selmani’s work has been featured in exhibitions in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia (2016); Dakar, Senegal (2016); Tours, France (2015); San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (2014); Paris, France (2013); and Belgrade, Serbia (2012).(text website artist)