Works are shown at Pace London, till October 4 2014.
King Kong Aint Got Nothing On Me, 2014.
Nathaniel Mary Quinn is a Brooklyn-based artist who has become known for his work in collage and mixed media. Born in 1977 in Chicago, Quinn’s childhood was very difficult – his mother died when he was young, and he was later abandoned by his father and brother. His desire to explore issues relating to his fraught personal history informs much of his art. As a consequence, his work can be quite shocking, but it retains a sense of grace and aesthetic accomplishment, which, Quinn says, is the result of his efforts to avoid excessive introspection.
Eugene, 2013.
“I work from photographs a great deal, but my work is a reflection of my personal memories. I do not think of a memory and decide to make a work about it. I receive a vision that initially possesses no immediate meaning or understanding; yet, I am overcome with this insatiable urge to make a work that reflects the vision, to actually draw and paint the vision. The visions are not crystal clear, but the emotional resonance between the vision and I is extremely palpable. I begin the process of making the work; I use photographs as source material for making the work; the process of making the work reveals that I am re-creating a memory based on real life experiences. For example, the work in the show, “Diane,” began as a vision. For some reason, I saw this vision of a woman with big, black hair and luscious red lips, holding a rose in her hand, along with having flowers in her hair. While I did not know the meaning of this vision – I could not understand my sincere, unwarranted commitment to this vision – I, without doubt, had to make a piece to reflect it.”
Showman, 2013.
From interview on Hunger TV, August 27, 2014.