Rory Emmet is one of the artists in ‘Form & Substance’ in Erdmann Contemporary, Cape Town, until October 3, 2015.
Colourman, 2015.
Concerning alchemy, performance, 2015.
Colourman, 2015.
Kick, 2015 (part of tryptic)
Dante’s Inferno, 2015.
From Rory Emmet’s collection, as exhibition scouts and artists, we came to learn of the life basic geometry can give to colour by accentuating light and dark, shades and curves so to speak. The artworks remained simple yet powerful as they represented the dialogue, or rather lack thereof, between physical and ideological structures. In a single frame, Emmet captures the essence of colour representation in South Africa as an individual and as a people by engaging with the tensions between assumed stereotypes and reality. All the various colours and dimensions created a visual spectrum that hypnotized us, by combining video footage, installations and a series of vividly coloured geometric paintings his exhibition was a standout piece.