Shifting Africa
Artistic views from the Sub-Sahara
28.09.2014 – 26.10.2014 / Kunsthalle Faust and public space
Jim Chuchu, Pagans.
Edson Chagas, from the series Oikonomos.
Entitled Shifting Africa the Mediations Biennale Poznan 2014 brings into focus about 20 international contributions from the African continent cooperating with Art Association Kunsthalle Hannover e.V. and above named African partners.
Dennis Feser, Life Part Diversion.
An interaction is triggered with statements from different Sub-Sahara countries that with artistic means contextualizes phenomena of post global world order on the example of Africa, by complementing the African part by positions that give a perspective view of artists residing in Europe and specially in Germany, Hannover, the twinning partnership town of Poznan.
With the end of the colonial period, entering the 21st century, the balance of power has shifted again on the African continent. One can observe an increasing number of various international interests fighting for access to Africa’s markets and resources. By now the former colonial powers have been joined by new global great powers and other multinational corporations. What does Africa aspire? Where it drifts in the tension of hegemonic and multilateral flows?
Julie Djikey, performance ‘3eme Ruelle.
The project Shifting Africa is posing questions and tries to visualize correlations in search for answers. How do socio-political realities and economic power structures influence the artistic search for identity, cultural heritage and belonging?
Beyond the search for own standing formal visual language and aesthetics there is a special focus that reflects on aspects such as ritual, gender, environment and climate change, resources and recycling within the presented artistic mediums such as painting, installation, video, photography and performance.
Virginia Chihota, Where do we say we are going?
Involved artists:
Jude Anogwih (Nigeria), Jelili Atiku (Nigeria), Rolf Bier (Germany), Wolf Böwig (Deutschland), Edson Chagas (Angola), Virginia Chihota (Zimbabwe), Jim Chuchu (Kenia), Julie Djikey (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Christian Etongo (Cameroon), Em`kal Eyongakpa (Cameroon), Dennis Feser (Germany), Serge Olivier Fokoua (Cameroon), Kiripi Katembo Siku (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Ewa Lowzyl (Poland), Landry Mbassi (Kenia), Norbert Meissner (Germany), Bobb Muchiri (Kenia), Tom Otto (Germany), Peter Puype (Belgium), Kristian von Hornsleth (Denmark), Claudia Wissmann (Germany), Hervé Yamguen (Kenia), Portia Zvavahera (Zimbabwe).
Rolf Bier, Ceci nést pas l’Afrique.
Shifting Africa
Artistic views from the Sub-Sahara
Exhibition date: September, 28th, 2014 – October, 26th 2014
Opening: Saturday, September, 27th, 7pm
Opening hours: Thursday and Friday 4-8pm, Saturday and Sunday 2-6pm
Entrance fee: 3 Euro, discounted ticket: 2 Euro