Sidi El Karchi
Galerie Post + Garcia
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Until January 10, 2016.
Sidi El Karchi was born, forty years ago, under a bright star in the Limburg Sittard. At that time nobody could foresee he would develop into one of the most captivating Dutch artists of his generation. There have been few individual exhibitions on him although his works are regularly shown in museums. The reason behind this is the fact that, in comparison to other painters, Sidi does not produce in big amounts. He creates more or less about ten portraits per year, making them even more compelling. His archetypal portraits have a profound emotive expression where both the painter and the viewer is not easily done with it.
Sidi El Karchi – A search for sincere Desire is not only the name of the exhibition, but also the title of a new catalog on his works that accompanies the exposition. The catalog includes the paintings of the exhibition and it also illustrates other works that have found their final place at enthusiasts’ homes.
We invited writer Abdelkader Benali, the director of the Bonnefantenmuseum Stijn Huijts, photographer Stephan Vanfleteren and photographer Perry Schrijvers to contribute to the publication. Their contributions to the book highlight the complexity of this mature artist and his work.
Documentary on his work on Saturday, November 28th on AVROTROS ‘close up’(Dutch TV)(Text gallery)