Simon Tatum, 1995
Simon Tatum was born on Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands in 1995. He was raised both on and off his home island while receiving his primary and secondary education. During Simon’s childhood years he established a strong interest for history, literature, social studies, religion, and art. These interests led Simon to pursue a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia.
As of now, Simon has begun the third year of his Bachelor’s degree and resides part of the year in Missouri. Simon still makes occasional trips to Cayman so that he may visit family and friends and also gain new material for his studio work. His most recent studio projects include paintings and drawings that are intended to bring awareness towards the racial dignity and cultural values that are acknowledged and upheld by the Caymanian people. Moreover, Simon’s works have been featured in various exhibitions within the Columbia, Missouri area. His works have also been featured in National showcases, such as the “tIDal” Shift Exhibition for contemporary art at the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands and the Undergraduate/Graduate Creative Works Exhibition at the 2015 SEC academic symposium.
After completing his university programs, Simon plans to return to the Cayman Islands to build a more direct and intimate relationship between his studio projects and the Caymanian people. Simon hopes to further benefit his home country by joining regional and international art dialogues and also promoting the pursuit of higher education within the local population.(text voyagerart.info)