Studio Museum Harlem, from November 12 until March 6, 2016.
Billie Zangewa, Mother and Child, 2015.
A Constellation traces connections among twenty-six artists of African descent: eight who emerged in the mid- to late twentieth century, and who are represented in the exhibition by works from the Studio Museum’s permanent collection, and eighteen younger artists whose works are being shown at the Studio Museum for the first time. The works in the Museum’s collection serve as material and conceptual anchors exploring themes of the figure, formal abstraction, economy, African diasporic history and materiality. The newer works expand on these themes and prompt an intergenerational dialogue in visual space. The artists in the exhibition embrace a broad range of conceptual approaches. Some employ making as a form of politics, others explore how race and cultural production affect aesthetics, while still others combine these methods or create their own. Together the works function as a “constellation,” both as a metaphor for stars that form a pattern, and as a representation of a gathering of dynamic, kindred artists. As suggested by the title, the connections drawn here present just one possible combination among an infinite variety of configurations.
Jack Whitten, Psychic Intersection, 1979-1980.
tschabalala self, bodega run, 2015.
Betye Saar, Window of Ancient Sirens, 1979.
Artists in A Constellation:
ruby onyinyechi amanze
Elizabeth Catlett
Torkwase Dyson
Melvin Edwards
Nona Faustine
Aaron Fowler
David Hammons
Ayana V. Jackson
Tony Lewis
Al Loving
Hugo McCloud
Troy Michie
Sondra Perry
Julia Phillips
Adrian Piper
Faith Ringgold
Andy Robert
Andrew Ross
Cameron Rowland
Betye Saar
Tschabalala Self
Torey Thornton
Jack Whitten
A Constellation is organized by Amanda Hunt, Assistant Curator.
See more at: http://www.studiomuseum.org/exhibition/constellation#sthash.BNYc66NE.dpuf