The Burning Museum (South Africa) is one of the participants of
CA2M, Madrid.
Until February 28th 2016
Photos by AndrÈs Arranz.
“The Burning Museum(BM) is a collaborative interdisciplinary collective rooted in Cape Town, South Africa. The space which we find ourselves in is one which has been scarred and seared by a historical trajectory of violent exclusions and silences. These histories form the foundation of an elusive and at times omnipotent democracy that occasionally reveals its muscle in the form of laws and by-laws in public space. It is from this historical climate and present context that the work of the Burning Museum engages with themes such as history, identity, space, and structures. We are interested in the seen and unseen, the stories that linger as ghosts on gentrified street corners; in opening up and re-imagining space as potential avenues into the layers of history that are buried within, under, and between .”
In the same boat
We are tired. We are burning.
Our collective have travelled back to the old world. The mother countries welcome us because we bare the marks of value. Stamped, sealed and gold plated. We’ve been schengen-ed, having jumped through hoops to bring a wheatpaste to a white wall near you. Others are not so lucky. They dream of hoops to jump through. “
1. “Visa takes you places”, detail from the installation In the Same Boat [Image of what is believed to be Columbus superimposed on a Schengen Visa application form. Slogan of credit card company “Visa takes you places tagged over wheatpaste]
2. Detail from the installation In the Same Boat.[ Wheatpaste of Columbus and crew arriving in the Bahamas, African migrants being picked up by Italian coast guard superimposed below], [Faux gold foil blanket with the Schengen visa application form as lining.
3. In the same boat. Single channel video (no audio) [A visual stream of all the documents we have had to supply for the Schengen visa process superimposed on Madrid tourist video and footage of a boat in a storm from a popular Hollywood movie]
Screen Shots: