Vlisco, The Netherlands
The Philadelphia Museum of Art celebrates West and Central African fashion and culture in an exhibition exploring the classic and contemporary looks of Vlisco, the oldest international textile brand that specializes in Dutch wax fabrics. From the earliest designs and most recognizable patterns, continuing through a selection of iconic styles that have been re-interpreted in a contemporary way, the exhibition will highlight a selection of the thousands of patterns Vlisco has produced for the African and diaspora markets.
Until January 22, 2017 in Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Yinka Shonibare uses Vlisco materials for his works.
About Vlisco Stories
Vlisco Fabrics often have a meaning attached to them. Some of them represent very personal stories, some stories are picked up from the market and other stories are attached to a special occasion.
This website is about collecting all these stories from all over the world. We offer a storytelling platform, aimed at sharing stories about our unique Vlisco Fabrics so the stories would be available to all of us. Our goal is to build a public library of fabrics and stories.
Please take a moment, think about what story do you know about one of our Vlisco Fabrics and share it here to keep the story going.
By creating an account with or without using Facebook you will be allowed to browse the site, create stories, add comments and ‘love’ existing stories. Your own stories will connect you with other storytellers in a deeper, more profound way, and bring your story to many others.
Since 1846 Vlisco has produced more than thousands of different fabrics, not all of them are on the Vlisco Stories Website.
Do you know a story and you can’t find the fabric on this site: you should send us a mail to stories@vlisco.com. Also your feedback is very welcome.