Arena for Contemporary African, African-American and Caribbean Art

Yamou, Casablanca











Abderrahim Yamou was born in 1959 in Casablanca. He has an art education from the University Toulouse Le Mirail and a postgraduate certificate in sociology from La Sorbonne, Paris 1. Yamou’s first solo exhibition dates from 1980 in Etienne Dinet’s gallery in Paris.


Since then, Yamou exhibited in many galleries in Morocco and abroad. His work is characterized by representations of the floral kingdom: lianas, stems, germinations, foliations, flowering, pistils, seeds, stamens, corollas and fruits.

Yamou also makes sculptures. The figures, in the form of cactus riddled with nails, where welcomed by several international art magazines.
Yamou’s work can be found among others in the Neuberger Museum, New York; The World Bank, Washington; The Ministry of Foreign affairs, France; The K. Lazaar fondation, Tunisia; The Nelson Mandela Collection, South Africa.

Yamou divides his time between Paris and Tahannaout, Morocco. (text L’Atelier 21, Casablanca)