Zoë Charlton
Born 1972 in Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Anhaica, 2013.
Zoë Charlton playfully represents social dilemmas produced by domestication and desire in two series of new works. Using collage and gouache drawing techniques, Charlton fuses racially diverse nude males with ideal landscape elements. The artist punctuates vistas of country dream homes and fantasy vacation spots with commodities evocative of non-western cultures to emphasize burdens inherent in the pursuit of social status by minorities.
Collector, 2012.
Untitled, 2010.
Whereas the pictorial style of her masculine subjects recalls American landscape and still life painting, Charlton employs spatiality and hybridity inspired by cubism and surrealism in a separate series of collages of female subjects. The artist augments stereotypical figures of young white girls with suburban architecture, African tribal signifiers, and black maternal imagery to construct sexualized human/object hybrids that give expression to fantasies of southern belles and black domesticity.
Weltspring, 2013.
Dreamers and Builders, 2012.
Zoë Charlton’s works have been exhibited at The Studio Museum in Harlem, the Indianapolis Museum of Art, the Baltimore Museum of Art, and the Contemporary Art Museum in Houston. (Volta Website)
Courtesy: Connersmith, Washington DC.