Arena for Contemporary African, African-American and Caribbean Art

Prospect 3








Zarouhie Abdalian (b. 1982), New Orleans

Terry Adkins (1953 – 2014), United States

Manal Aldowayan (b.1973), Saudi Arabia

Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973), Brazil

Firelei Baez (b. 1981), Domican Republic

Shigeru Ban (b. 1957), Japan

Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988), United States

Zarina Bhimji (b. 1963), Uganda

McArthur Binion (b. 1946), United States

Douglas Bourgeois (b. 1951), New Orleans

La fenêtre

Mohamed Bourouissa (b. 1978), Algeria

Frederick J. Brown (1945-2012), United States

Huguette Caland (b. 1931), Lebanon
















Keith Calhoun, New Orleans

Mary Ellen Carroll (b. 1961), United States

Ed Clark (b. 1926), New Orleans

William Cordova (b. 1971), Peru

Liu Ding (b. 1976), China

Monir Farmanfarmaian (b. 1923), Iran

Andrea Fraser (b.1965), United States

Charles Gaines (b. 1944), United States

Theaster Gates (b. 1973), United States

Paul Gaugin (1848-1903), France

Jeffrey Gibson (b. 1972), United States

Piero Golia (b. 1974), Italy

Camille Henrot (b. 1978), France

Lonnie Holley (b. 1950), United States

Pieter Hugo (b. 1976), South Africa

Remy Jungerman








Remy Jungerman (b. 1959), Suriname

Glenn Kaino (b. 1972), United States

Lucia Koch (b. 1966), Brazil

Hew Locke (b. 1959), England

Los Jaichackers

Julio Cesar Morales (b. 1966), Mexico

and Eamon Ore-Giron (b. 1973), United States

Sophie T. Lvoff (b. 1986), New Orleans

Antonio Vega Macotela (b. 1980), Mexico

Kerry James Marshall, (b. 1955), United States

Chandra McCormick (b. 1957), New Orleans

Tameka Norris (b. 1979), Guam / New Orleans

with Garrett Bradley (b.1986), New Orleans

Akosua Adoma Owusu (b. 1984), United States

Ebony G. Patterson (b. 1981), Jamaica

Hayal Pozanti (b. 1983), Turkey

The Propeller Group

Phunam (b. 1974), Vietnam

Matt Lucero (b. 1976), United States

Tuan Andrew Nguyen (b. 1976)    Vietnam

with Christopher Myers (b. 1974), United States

Pushpamalan (b. 1956)      INDIA

Joe Ray (b. 1944)    USA (Alexandria, La.)

Will Ryman (b. 1969), United States

Analia Saban (b. 1980), Argentina

Lisa Sigal (b. 1962), United States

Gary Simmons (b.1960), United States

Herbert Singleton (1945-2007), New Orleans

Lucien Smith (b. 1989), United States













Tavares Strachan (b. 1979), Bahamas

Agus Suwage (b. 1959), Indonesia

Alma Thomas (1891-1978), United States

Carrie Mae Weems (b. 1953), United States

Entang Wiharso (b. 1967), Indonesia

David Zink Yi (b. 1973), Peru