Tiemar Tegene
I was born in 1985 E.C Addis Ababa Ethiopia. I received my BFA in print making at AAU Alle school of fine Art and design university in 2009 E.C. Currently I am a full time studio artist, I have exhibited my works in different group exhibitions locally and participated in workshops that highly focused on print making I use different techniques but most of the time etching suits well .
Art statement
We humans have different boundaries witch have naturally and the one we create our self’s. This difference should have made us create such a harmony’s world instead we use it as a weapon to hurt to control to empower one another. Even if we do manage to live in state of denial about the human tragedies that occur daily because of this boundaries in some parts of the world and to the atrocity of torture, or to crippling poverty and unfathomable in justice, the moral imprint of mutilated wasted life somehow infiltrates in to the ‘’ collective unconsciousness ‘’. We must surely be at least subliminally hunted by the people who are affected by these things as they cast shadows over our comfort zone.
I am often not able to see words to interpret my work satisfactorily it frequently seems more natural to me to understand a particular print by printing another print. The people in my prints are nameless they are nameless they are ‘’ the disappeared ‘’ the ‘’discarded’’ the ‘’collateral damage’’ the ‘’disenfranchised’’ they are ‘ numbers ‘ or ‘casualties’ or ‘statistics’ or some days ’braking news’ so easy to jag or to deny even if they do simultaneously invoke ‘compassion’ and as their ‘’engendering image’’ seemingly manifest themselves up on my prints.
My prints are fictional they do not relate to specific people .The subjects of my work enter my consciousness much like the characters in a novel appear to an author. The world of the imagination is peopled by many seemingly ‘real’ acquaintances that have no actual substance other than the description of them created by another, and yet they may be more revealing to us about our own condition than many of the living people that we interact with. It is in this sprit that I construct my compositions; Artifice can sometimes tap in to a deeper rein of truth than the reality of every day experience can. Hop fully when I share the resulting imagery with my audiences my visual expressions of fear, loneliness experienced by many will touch people in such a way that they will understand far more about my felling for the subject than my words could ever convey
All the works Untitled, 2019