Adel Haroun: The Sum of All Parts, 2019
An Egyptian artist born in 1968. He is an assistant professor of ceramics in the Department of Tridimensional Expression at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University. From 1999 to 2003, He conducted specialized studies “Biennial Course” in Ceramic Technology and Restoration at the Ceramic Art Institute in Faenza, Italy. He is a member of the Egyptian Fine Artists Syndicate.
He Participated in many international/national exhibitions including: The Youth Salon, the Association of Fine Arts Lovers since his graduation as well as Cairo International Biennial II, III and IV in Ceramics 1994-1998.
And others in Saudi Arabia, Beirut, Italy, Germany and many.
In addition to special exhibitions in Faenza, Rome and Verona, Italy, Cairo Atelier 2008, Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center in 2017 and many others.
He won several awards, notably: The Youth Award of the 2nd International Biennial of Ceramics in 1994, First Prize in the 8th Youth Salon in 1997 and the Jury Prize at the 4th Cairo International Biennial of Ceramics in 1998.