Jean Laurent Koné Zie
Born in 1979 in Boundiali (Ivory Coast)
The artist Jean Laurent Koné Zié lives and works in Bingerville, a suburb of the business capital Abidjan in the Ivory Coast. Koné Zié’s work is strongly inspired by African culture and traditions. The main theme of his work is the relationship between people and society, community and spirituality in Africa. He describes his intention as follows: “I try to show the meaning of my culture through my creations. I believe that we as Africans are the foundation for the development of African countries. As an artist, I have to lead, educate and raise awareness of important issues. ”
The African Tradition, 2020/The Family, 2020
In his work he combines semi-abstract and semi-figurative tendencies with traditional Dogon sculptures and Senufo statues, as well as various graphic and floral patterns, sometimes inspired by African wax and pagne. The surfaces are made up of many fragments – sections of paper, magazines, fabric – that form an overall composition. His multi-layered paintings offer a simultaneity of images and meanings that lead to a continuous discourse with each other and with the viewer. With every glance the eye picks up one or the other layer and discovers a new detail.
Before graduating from the ENBA (École Nationale des Beaux-Arts) in 2003, Koné Zie exhibited his works already for the first time at the Korhogo Museum in 1998. In addition to studying art, Koné also has a Bachelor of Arts in art history and archeology. His paintings are regularly exhibited locally and internationally. His works are particularly popular with Western collectors, one of his pictures is in the well-known Imago Mundi – Luciano Benetton Collection.
The Party, 2020/The Family, 2020
I try through my creations to show the importance of my culture. I feel as Africans we are the bedrock to the development of African countries. As an artist I must guide, educate, and raise awareness to subjects that matter.
(Gallery MK Hamburg/ODA Gallery, Franschhoek, Western Cape, South Africa)