Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1986
Desapariencia Ι, 2013.
Born in Cienfuegos, Cuba in 1986. Mabel Poblet Pujol is one of the most exciting young artists to emerge from Havana. She graduated from the Higher Institute of Arts and the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts where she was a student of Carlos Garaicoa. Mabel has also taken part in the Behavioral Art Workshop directed by Cuban artist Tania Bruguera. In 2005, she was awarded the Prize of the Jury at the Provincial Salon of Visual Arts (Cienfuegos, Cuba) and the Prize of the Provincial Council of Visual Arts at the Salon 5 de Septiembre (Cienfuegos, Cuba).
High Tide.
Norma, 2013.
Una simple palabra.
“My work is based on experiences of my life and the incidence of these memories transformed into works that somehow determine the present. I allude also to acts both intimate and superficial, the results of emotional relationships with individuals that provoke me. I am interested in the ability of the mind to violate physical laws and the possibility of multidimensional mental time (as an object, the human mind can also move, diffuse and fragmented). I use reiteration to reconstruct events by retrieving mental images that might have been erased from memory over time. The fact of running time becomes one of the protagonists of my work, gathering memories and forgetting in the same sense.” (Artempo)